When I started down this road in 2023, I felt like God was telling me the name of this blog, but it was already taken so I had to be creative with words that mean something to me, maybe to you too. Peace and quiet are often hard-won challenges and neither of them come easily.… Continue reading There is peace in the quiet, have you found yours?
What happens when you feel stuck?
Life is interesting and people are fascinating. Do you feel that way? Are you like me and have different groups of people that you see each week? Lately, it seems like there is a theme across groups, and the conundrum is “What does God want me to do?”. This is a fantastic question and we… Continue reading What happens when you feel stuck?
Are you praying differently during Lent?
Lent is here and we have discussed fasting and alms giving, so let’s take a few minutes to talk about prayer. I know many people pray, but they don’t put much thought into the “where and the how”. You can certainly pray any time and anywhere, but there is something special when you set aside… Continue reading Are you praying differently during Lent?
What are you ‘giving’ for Lent?
So, it’s Lent. Catholics (and some other Christian denominations) give things up. We are also called to ‘give alms’. What does that mean? My interpretation of the word ‘alms’ has always meant money. According to the dictionary, it refers to giving something (like money or food) freely to relieve the poor. Well. That changes my… Continue reading What are you ‘giving’ for Lent?
What are you fasting from for Lent?
I know it seems that I have been fasting from this blog, and I admit that it was ‘too easy’ to let it go for a month and not post. Then I started wondering what God must think about that. He asked me to do something and I was doing great on the ‘follow through’… Continue reading What are you fasting from for Lent?
A prayer for Thursday
Dear Lord, I come before you today with gratitude in my heart. I am grateful that I woke up, that I could get out of bed, for my warm house, a yummy breakfast, and people that love me. May the work I do today either in my home or at my jobs bring you glory… Continue reading A prayer for Thursday
Have you discovered your purpose?
This is a question that comes to all of us from time to time. In this week’s Gospel story, Jesus changes water into wine. It’s not quite his time yet, and he knows it, but he does what his mother asks him to. We all know that everyone has different gifts and talents: the bigger… Continue reading Have you discovered your purpose?
What’s on your prayer list?
Prayer has been on my mind lately. The when, the what for are sometimes difficult to come by. For example, when the weather is really rainy or it’s too cold, I don’t take a walk. My walk time each day is the biggest part of my prayer time- do you see the problem? I end… Continue reading What’s on your prayer list?
Jesus, I trust in you.
Do you ever find yourself saying those words? It’s funny, in all the events of my week, they sprang to mind more than once, and then when I was in the chapel at church, I realized that those are the words on the bottom of the Divine Mercy icon. What does that really mean to… Continue reading Jesus, I trust in you.
Three men followed a star….
Happy Epiphany! I know it’s not technically until tomorrow, but we celebrated it today in the Catholic Church’s calendar. The three wise men following a star sounds like the beginning of a joke, but if that’s true, the jokes on us because they found exactly who they were seeking- the baby Jesus. It sort of… Continue reading Three men followed a star….