Who plays the supporting role in your life?

Have you ever stopped to think about the role God plays in your life and the role you play in others?

When you visit the Rodin museum in Paris, what may strike you is how large the sculptures are. You may also notice that every piece has several iterations; that one you see in the museum had many versions to get to the final product. I certainly can’t see the flaw that made it a “draft” instead of the final product, but Rodin could.

One of my favorite sculptures in the museum is called “The Hand of God”. You see the human figures emerging while being created in the palm of God’s hand. Standing in front of the magnificent sculptures made the long line completely worth it. Why am I mentioning the sculpture? It reminds me that we are dependent on each other, and of the role God plays in our lives.

I can only carry out what I am called to do if I am participating in the creation of the work. It’s not all on God, it’s not all on me, it’s not all on you. We are in this together.

When I first started teaching, I wanted someone to help guide me, show me the ropes. The reality in the teaching world is that not everyone wants to share or to help you. You are given books and good wishes and you often find yourself alone in the murky waters of the classroom. It took me awhile, but I figured it out. When I had the opportunity, I mentored student teachers and new teachers in my district. I became the person for them that I wish had been there for me.

When I left teaching in a brick and mortar building, I thought I might be great at mentoring/coaching teachers. Turns out, I am great at that as one of the many “hats” I wear at work. I am the support, back-up, and cheerleader for my co-workers when needed. In my personal life, my “support” role in my friend’s lives consists of showing up for life events and holidays, hanging out with their kids, singing songs in their voicemail, and being back up when needed.

We are the co-creators of our lives with God and the people in our lives. When we recognize this and can lean into it, we get much farther and faster than if we tried doing it on our own. Spend a few minutes today reflecting about the people in your life that are supporting you. Who are you in turn supporting? Say a prayer that you continue to co-create something magnificent.