Are you a cheerful giver?

In every church at some point in the year, the “the money talk” happens. This week, one the annual talks happened at my church. I was listening to the talk about how important it is to tithe, etc. The pastor wasn’t asking anyone to give a certain amount, he was asking people to give to their ability. It got me thinking about all the ways to give that has nothing to do with money.

There is the gift of time. Time might be our most precious commodity. There is a finite amount of it, we don’t know how much we have, so we should make the most of it. As a part of church, visit the sick, be an Adoration guardian, volunteer for a committee. At home, sit and play with your kids, spend time and listen to people you love. That’s the best time. At the end of people’s lives, no one wishes that they could have worked more. They wish for one more day, one more hour, even one more minute with someone they love.

There is the gift of talent. Everyone has their own gift to give to the world, and they are all different. You can give those talents at church by teaching Sunday school, singing in the choir, offering to build something if that is your gift. At home, or in your circle, think about sharing your gift with your kids and your friends. I like to cook and bake for people, I share my talent that way, because the special ingredient is “extra love”.

Then, there is the gift of treasure. We all have different amounts of money to give. It’s not important about how much you give, it’s the act of giving. I have given different amounts at different times according to what I am able. I know many people who give a lot because they can. I appreciate that.

What do you have to give? Is it time, talent, or treasure? If I have more time than money, then I give time. I don’t compare myself to others who can give more money. We are asked to give. Next time you are asked to give, ask yourself what you have to give at that time. It varies at different times in our lives. This week, I challenge you to think about (and act upon) how can you use your talents to serve God and others. Smile, and go ahead, give to your heart’s content.


  1. Hi Sarah,
    Wonderful reminder. Thank you for your giving to us all. Thank you also for the invite to keep doing it as we can, whenever we can.
    God bless you!

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