This little light of mine…

I’m gonna let it shine….Did you sing this song at church this week? It wouldn’t surprise me if you did. The Gospel this week is about the Transfiguration of Jesus. The disciples see Jesus in all His glory- how God sees Him. During the homily the priest reminded us that we all have a light inside of us and we are called to let it shine. Can you see the light in others? Do you see your own?

It’s so easy to see the light, the goodness, in others. I could give you a list of all the ways my friends, family, and coworkers are letting their light shine. They make sandwiches for homeless people, give to worthy causes, have housefuls of kids, patiently teach kids, or are cheerful at work. There is light shining for all to see, but I bet if you asked them, they would tell you that even with all they do, they are not that holy. I know we should be humble and kind, but it’s time to take back the light.

We are two sides of the same coin. Darkness and light exist together, even in us. Even on a dark night, there are stars. Every day the light conquers the darkness, and the light is hope. It’s not just my shiny optimism that tell you this, all of creation backs it up.

If you visit Lourdes, you will see constant light from the hundreds of candles that are continuously burning, in fact, the candles are across the river from the grotto, for safety. When you light a candle, you can feel the heat, and that small light, together shines so bright, it’s hard to look straight at it. That’s what we should be. Our light should shine so bright, that it’s all you can see.

I struggle with this in a world that says it prizes individuality, but woe is you if you break with norm. People expect us to act and be a certain way, and that does not always go well. Be the one who defies the norm, be the magnificent being of goodness and light that you are.

In fact, let’s celebrate that this week and help each other shine more brightly. Take a few minutes and see where the light is shining from you, and then look around. When you see the goodness in others, tell them. They might need a little reminder, and by doing so, both of you will get a little “glow”.