It’s that time of year. Where I live, lots of kids went back to school today and some even started last week! Everyone is trying to “get all the things done” before the school year begins and I’m sure there were some tears (of joy) on parents faces today. Life gets busy even if you don’t have kids, work, the commute, pets, laundry, cooking, family, friends, some days it just doesn’t seem like there are enough hours. Does any of this sound familiar? Can you relate to the feeling of overwhelm that can sometimes sneak up on us out of nowhere?
I can’t stop all the things that come at you in one day (or week, or month), but I can offer a solution. Check your GPS.
Think about it. We understand the words “follow the GPS directions to get there”. Most people don’t use maps anymore and only follow their GPS when driving. Many have become so relient on the GPS’s voice telling them what to do, they quit looking so hard for the signs and the streets, etc., I mean, it even tells you when you have gone too far and to make a U-turn. It’s so “easy” that people even follow the directions when they are clearly going the wrong way.
You know I’m not really talking about the GPS in your car, I’m talking about checking in with your God’s Planning System. Do you follow that one as closely as the voice in your car? I bet not. I know that I do not check in as often as I should.
Here is a recent example. I was very frustrated the other day about an ongoing challenge in my life, so frustrated that I had to get out of the house and take a walk- change my perspective, ya know? So I’m walking a grumbling at God, why this, why that, why now? Would you answer me please??
I walked that way for a little bit when it occurred to me, that I should flip my thinking, look at it from God’s perspective. I spent the rest of my walk checking in with “What would God’s plan be in this situation?” and “Am I in line with those thoughts?”.
Now, I would love to tell you that I got home and I have all the answers, I don’t, but a good GPS check-in on God’s plan, means that I have to be patient and realize that I can’t see the whole picture. I only see the part right in front of me. I’m “near-sighted” and God is “far-sighted”. He plays the long game.
I see the reoccurring theme in my life, it’s God’s plan, not mine. I think that is where some of the overwhelm can come from, we put the pressure on ourselves. Are we doing our best? That’s good enough. I realize that I want to “drive the car” most of the time. What if I take my hands off the wheel and let God’s Planning System take over? How much more at peace would I feel? I’ll let you know.