It’s March 14th- 3-14 so it’s Pi day! I think it’s an excuse for Math teachers to finally have a food day. Or even a good excuse to eat pie. I do enjoy a good slice of apple pie. Yum! This post is not about an apple pie, although I can relate it to that.… Continue reading Happy Pi(e) day!
Author: Sarah
Spring brings new life and opportunities.
What is budding in your life right now? Seasons change whether we like it or not and spring follows winter. Depending on where you are in the country (or world) right now, you might think I’m crazy for talking about spring- it’s still cold and dreary at your house. In my southern corner of the… Continue reading Spring brings new life and opportunities.
What does it mean to be a temple of God?
Lately, I have been pondering how Bible verses show up in our conversations, almost without us being aware. There are phrases that I hear and then later, I’m reading a blog or a Bible verse and there it is. It surprises me almost every time, and it should not. One such phrase that I hear… Continue reading What does it mean to be a temple of God?
Is your cup half full or half empty?
I’m a “the cup is half full” kind of person. I can find the silver lining in almost every situation. It can be challenging to look for something good in the midst of your struggles. Been there. Am there. So how do I do that? Good question. Yesterday, I decided to take a gratitude walk.… Continue reading Is your cup half full or half empty?
Do you sometimes feel like Job?
There are moments in my life when I feel like I am cruising along and everything is good, and then WHAM! Something comes out of nowhere and throws me for a loop. Then something else piles on, and one more thing, and on and on. It can get overwhelming. God is clearly testing me, not… Continue reading Do you sometimes feel like Job?
In the front row of life…
This morning I was with my friend and her family for mass, we weren’t even late but walking in with the opening hymn, the only place for all seven of us was the front row…..oh my! I am not a front row lover, but I know the kids enjoy it. There are less distractions and… Continue reading In the front row of life…
It’s leap day! What will you do with the bonus time?
Happy leap day! The special bonus day that we get once every four years to put everything in balance. You don’t think today is special? I woke up, that’s pretty special to me! I feel like I spend time sometimes thinking about what I would do with a bunch of “extra” time. Bake, read, sleep… Continue reading It’s leap day! What will you do with the bonus time?
Lord, bless the mess!
I went to a Christian concert on Sunday night, it was in a church so it felt more like a church service than a concert in many ways, we prayed, we sang, and we prayed some more. The singer was talking about how Bible verses that we hear in different times of life hit us… Continue reading Lord, bless the mess!
Change happens in a moment…what will you do?
Do you ever feel like there are so many moving parts in your life that it’s overwhelming? I feel that way, in this moment. There are things I have control over and some I do not- that’s normal, but I am not a fan of lots of unknowns. Moving parts and changing circumstances bring the… Continue reading Change happens in a moment…what will you do?
When you are feeling uncertain, do angels appear?
I believe in angels. I know they are real, in human and in divine form, but the sighting is not always clear, until it is. This week, I received a message of reassurance and comfort, I will tell you about it and perhaps you will see a message that I do not….yet. The other night… Continue reading When you are feeling uncertain, do angels appear?