Holy (or God) moments

There are moments in our lives that can only be described as holy. Sometimes I hear people calling them “God moments” I have no other words to describe them. It’s the moment that is so divinely perfect, that a human could not have possibly arranged. Some are as simple as people letting me in on… Continue reading Holy (or God) moments

Are you a cheerful giver?

In every church at some point in the year, the “the money talk” happens. This week, one the annual talks happened at my church. I was listening to the talk about how important it is to tithe, etc. The pastor wasn’t asking anyone to give a certain amount, he was asking people to give to… Continue reading Are you a cheerful giver?

Who is St. Thomas Aquinas?

What do you know about this doctor of the church? Here is how he has influenced my life. In the Catholic church, we celebrate different saints on each day of the year. St. Thomas Aquinas’ feast day is on January 28th. I learned much of what I know about him from attending Aquinas College in… Continue reading Who is St. Thomas Aquinas?

The Serenity prayer

Do you ever find yourself saying this prayer and wondering if it’s even possible? I found myself in a sideways kind of day last week. A day that doesn’t start well, the middle gets kind of complicated, and by the time I’m done for the day, I’m just done. In the middle of that morning… Continue reading The Serenity prayer

God’s Promise

What does Psalm 121 have to say to us? I stumbled across this psalm on New Years Eve. It was on a card that said “God’s Promise, Psalm 121 verses 7-8”. I am not gonna lie. Knowing Bible verses by heart is not my forte. I looked it up. I can probably sing you lots… Continue reading God’s Promise