What makes you, well you? Have you ever pondered your uniqueness? Did you know that no two snowflakes are alike? Sure, they all look similar falling from the sky, but if we looked at them closely, we would be able to see their glorious differences. People are not far off from snowflakes. Each person has… Continue reading Be who you are and be it well.
Author: Sarah
Confession is good for the soul.
What is confession and why should you do it? In many faith traditions, there is a type of confession, or repentance for sins. In the Catholic and Orthodox traditions we go to confession- that is, we confess our sins to a priest and he absolves us from them. We then vow to not do them… Continue reading Confession is good for the soul.
What prayers do you say before bed?
What is night prayer and how can we incorporate it into our bedtime routine? Do you say prayers before bed? The time right before I fall asleep seems sacred somehow. When I was little, I remember saying the guardian angel prayer before bed. If I couldn’t sleep, my mom told me to say a Hail… Continue reading What prayers do you say before bed?
The struggle is real, who is by your side?
When you are facing challenges, where do you turn? Everyone’s life looks shiny and perfect on social media. Life isn’t like that. It’s not a movie where everything turns out perfectly. We live our lives in the imperfect, messy, day to day grind. It’s filled with laundry, commutes, meal-prep, arguments, and beautiful, silent moments when… Continue reading The struggle is real, who is by your side?
O come let us adore Him….
What is adoration and why should I take the time to do it? Good question. We Catholics believe that the Eucharist is the true presence of Christ. When you go to “adoration”, you are truly in the presence of God. The purpose is to pause, pray, and be with God. In Catholic churches all around… Continue reading O come let us adore Him….
The Lord is my Shepard…
Psalm 23 speaks to me, what does it say to you?
Wise men still seek Him….
Epiphany is Jan 6th, the feast of the wise men. Should we be like these pilgrims? I say yes. Epiphany is the last day of Christmas. The feast celebrates the arrival of the three kings, Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar, to visit the baby Jesus. These men are some of the first pilgrims and it was… Continue reading Wise men still seek Him….
Where are you building your house?
When life is not going as planned, where is your foundation? Faith is an interesting topic. I can’t make you believe, I can only tell you what I know, have lived and experienced. It’s often in how you look at the situation, and is never really black or white. God exists and works in all… Continue reading Where are you building your house?
Out with the old, in with the new!
A new year is a good time to turn over a new leaf, make goals, start a new habit. What are you starting in 2024?
What’s your word? 2024 is coming.
Choosing a word of the year or a theme song can give you direction. For the last fiveish (?) years, I have chosen a word of the year and a theme song. The theme song came first, suggested to me by a friend. Then along came a long drive to visit family for Christmas. I… Continue reading What’s your word? 2024 is coming.