God’s calling. Are you listening?

God is constantly communicating with us. Are you stopping long enough to listen?

This week during mass, one of the deacons gave the sermon. He was asking us if we are living our vocations. He said: “God is like a radio station. He is always broadcasting, we just aren’t always on the same frequency to listen.” He went on to discuss how the disciples were called and “got up and followed Jesus.” What the deacon didn’t mention is practical ways to do that in my life.

How do I get on the same wavelength as Jesus? I have a few thoughts.

  1. Spend your time in church focusing on the message and not on your grocery list, what you are doing after, etc.
  2. Make time each day to pray. Whenever works for you. I used to listen to mass on the way to work in the morning. It helped me begin my day in the right head space.
  3. Take a walk outside. This has been proven to boost your health and creativity. Plus it gives you quiet space in your brain to listen. I like to pray a rosary as I walk.
  4. Fill a jar with Bible verses and draw one out each day to ponder. You can do this as an individual or as a family.
  5. Pray with your spouse/partner/kids/significant other. I love praying with kids because they often add the “important” people in their lives. (Anyone ever pray for Larry the cucumber?)
  6. Read something that inspires you. Scripture, a spiritual book, a blog….anything that helps connect the dots.
  7. Spend a few minutes at the end of the day looking for the ways that God has touched your life during the day. Go looking, God is pretty discreet, you might miss it if you aren’t looking.

Feel free to add to the list. Make it your own. In a relationship, we are often on the same wavelength when we spend time with the person we love. By the way, if you ask God to show up in your life today, He will. Maybe not how you expect, but He won’t let you down. So today, let’s make some time for all whom we love, including Jesus so that next time He calls, you will hear it.