St. Paul tells us in his letter to the Thessalonians to pray without ceasing. That’s a pretty tall order, even when on retreat. Is it possible to do that if you are not sitting in a convent or monetary and are sequestered from the world? I haven’t quite figured that out yet, but for now, let’s talk about prayer. Our prayers and intercessory prayers (the ones people pray for us.)
Our prayers can take many forms. The Liturgy of the Hours, a rosary, a prayer said in a car on a commute, before meals, meditation, a walk in nature. I often think that the most simple prayer I can say is “thank you”. Thank you that I woke up today, have a job, people that love me, etc. That’s a pretty good one if you don’t know what to say. This type of prayer comes from me directly to God. I am asking for what I need in faith that it’s going to be given to me.
A different type of prayer is intercessory prayer. This is when we pray for others or people pray for us, usually for a specific reason; a sickness, find a job, for safe travels, whatever the case may be. Most churches have a prayer list so that the congregation can pray for anyone in need.
I hear those words often- friends and family asking for prayers. Do my prayers really make a difference? I suppose that it’s all in how you look at it. Scientists have studied that question, and the answers are mixed. Some will tell you that yes, people recover from illness faster, and others will say the exact opposite. If the person who is going through something knows that people are praying for them, that may ease some of the burden.
The key in any situation is that you are starting with prayer. Whether that prayer comes from me or on my behalf, I do not know what the outcome will be. It’s all in God’s time, not ours and it’s always possible that the thing I want is not what I need right now, and it’s not the right time. I can ask God to heal someone but that does not mean that He does, or that it will come quickly.
So let’s go back to St. Paul and his advice to pray without ceasing. When you pray the next time today, are you praying for your needs or the needs of others? Both are equally important. God already knows what I need, but I still need to ask. If continual prayer seems daunting, consider how you can add one more prayer time to your day.