I saw the sign

Are you listening and heeding the signs being sent your way?

I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately- and the 90’s song is absolutely playing in my head. We are constantly being given nudges, from friends, God, our common sense. I don’t always listen, do you? What would happen if we recognized the signs when they were shown to us? I bet we would have less grief and heartache in our lives.

Let’s be honest. Sometimes we ignore what is in front of us because it seems easier and we think life is just “like this”. I used to ask God at least once a year if I was in the right spot/job. I always heard a “yes”- these students, this school. Then, in Oct 2020, I asked that same question- no quick answer- crickets. I did get an answer in Dec 2020 that led me to making a change. It didn’t come in the way I had thought, and did come at a price. If I look back, there were plenty of moments and signs telling me it was time to go, I didn’t listen.

I believe people are fundamentally good, so I stay in relationships past their expiration date because I think something is going to change. It doesn’t, and I end up learning that lesson, again. A friend told me during my last relationship “When people show you who they are, you should believe them.” It took me awhile to learn that lesson with that person. I held on too long for the “What if” in my head. I am certain that both of us are much happier now. Whether it’s a friendship or a romantic relationship, we should know when it’s time to let go.

Recently it became clear to me that I needed to step back from a part time job I have had for a few years. I talked to the manager, we agreed I could have some away and could reevaluate in a few months. I ended up creating a sticky situation in another department because they were counting on me continuing. That was a big oops on my part and I realized that my nudge to step away meant it was time to step away completely, not just “at this time”. That job served its purpose in my life and it’s time to move on.

Signs are all around us- on actual signs, songs we hear, homilies, what we read, or advice from friends. I want to be more aware of them when they are actually occurring instead of looking back and saying “Ohhhhh, now I see!”. It would be nice to do it God’s way sometimes and not mine. I’m still working on that.

Have you ever seen a rainbow after a terrible storm? It’s a wonderous sight. It’s a visible sign that something good is coming.

My challenge to you today, this week, this month is to really look around you. Look and listen. What questions are you asking and what are the answers that are coming? What signs are there for you? Are you ignoring them because it’s uncomfortable? My suggestion is the next time you see a sign, embrace it and you will be one step closer to being where you should be.