Do you ever find yourself saying those words? It’s funny, in all the events of my week, they sprang to mind more than once, and then when I was in the chapel at church, I realized that those are the words on the bottom of the Divine Mercy icon. What does that really mean to trust Jesus? Bonus question. At the end of the day, are you really trusting or are you just saying the words?
I don’t know about you, but the new year always brings some new challenges and obstacles. If you work in education, it’s the beginning of classes, things have to be ready, teachers have to be ready, and are you ever totally prepared for what is coming? I can say that my answer would be no- I’m never totally prepared.
In this week of curveballs, setbacks, and overall frustrating moments, I prayed a lot. Some of it may not have been considered prayer as I was venting my frustration to God about the situation where I found myself. At one point, I remember saying “Ok God, this is not fun or funny in any sense. There must be a reason, so you take care of that. I will do my part.” I told a friend that I was in the middle of a “trust exercise” with God and I would not fail.
It’s one thing to say the words. It can seem easy. The more challenging aspect for all of us to to actually do it. We all know of people that can “talk the talk” but do not “walk the walk”. It’s really easy to say the words, but not as easy to have the trust. I sat in the adoration chapel, looking at the Divine Mercy picture thinking “Ok God, you are asking me to do the more difficult thing- just trust it’s going to work out.”
Will it all work out? I’m sure it will. How I’m expecting it to? Not a chance. But I will keep repeating the words until there is no possible doubt left in my mind. Jesus, I trust in you.