What are you planting and sowing in your garden?

We often hear parables and other Scripture readings about planting or sowing seeds in different soils and what kinds of trees bear fruit. Seldom does it occur that every reading on one particular day has almost the exact same imagery.

Today’s mass readings revolved around a tree planted on a high hill that gives shade, that the word of God are the seeds He plants in us to grow, and that a tiny mustard seed that becomes an enormous plant. (It does- they can grow between 20 and 30 ft tall)

I think all of the garden/plant imagery works as well today as it did in Jesus’ time. Most people have (or have had) a garden, various plants, or have attempted to grow something from a seed. Seeds are very small- each year when I plant them I wonder if something will grow. Sometimes it does, and sometimes it does not. It amazes me how large the sunflowers can grow from the seeds I plant.

Currently the flower seeds that I planted in April are not very tall and I do not see many flowers. I still have hope, but they may not grow taller or they could surprise me in a week and be full of multicolored blooms. Who knows?

I can see the point of the imagery today though- something small like a seed (or an idea, a community) grows bigger and bears fruit, gives shade, or produces something. Amazing things come from small beginnings. Each week I go to mass and more seeds are planted or they are nurtured and cultivated by a passage that I have heard before but still seems new.

So the question I invite you to ponder with me this week is what are you growing in your garden? Are you planting and cultivating seeds of joy, encouragement, compassion, love, empathy, truth, faith, goodness, and perseverance or are you cultivating something else?